hej! hej! emberiség! ó-kozmikus nép! | 5 Comments sorsod vesztett megvakított emberiség! szegénységbe kényszerített emberiség! miféle csodára vársz? Share:Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... BudapesthandrailkapaszkodóMetropeoplepublictransporttsadriunderground ← NL 2005 december
in da mood 2008/06/12 Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Feeling Budapest (formerly known as Budapest city(E)scapes), and we’d love to have this added to the group! Reply
habeebee 2008/06/14 Yeah – definitely feeling Budapest in this pic. The title/description – is it from a poem? Song lyrics? — Seen in the group"Feeling Budapest (formerly known as Budapest city(E)scapes)" (?) Reply
tsadri 2008/06/14 habeebee: You are right both the title and description is from a song of VHK. Here you can listen one of their song. Reply
Hi, I’m an admin for a group called Feeling Budapest (formerly known as Budapest city(E)scapes), and we’d love to have this added to the group!
Yeah – definitely feeling Budapest in this pic.
The title/description – is it from a poem? Song lyrics?
Seen in the group"Feeling Budapest (formerly known as Budapest city(E)scapes)" (?)
Thank you for the invitation!
You are right both the title and description is from a song of VHK. Here you can listen one of their song.
Hey, thanks for the reference Tsadri!
Seen in my recent comments. (?)